- Email info@phahs.ca.
- Pick-up your bird house kit at the time & date provided.
- Build your bird house using the kit instructions.
- Decorate your bird house in any way that you like (please consider the environment when choosing materials, non-toxic paints & household items).
- Consider the bird house for display purposes only (If so, please plug the hole).
- Take a picture of it & post it on YOUR social media account and tag #purplehillsarts.
- And finally, display outside for all to see by June 20th
- On June 21st take Dad on a walk through Creemore to see all the different bird houses.

Please assemble your bird house using the instructions provided. When decorating your bird house you may choose to use paint, chalk, collage, glue etc. You might like to use buttons, coins, object from nature or craft supplies. The choice is up to you. Whatever you use please consider the environment and where you will be displaying the bird house. Consider if you are placing it in the shade or sun, and if your bird house is for decoration only or for the birds to use.
We suggest that the bird houses be primarily decorative in which case you could plug the entrance hole, but if you would like birds to actually use your house, use water-based latex paint, and always avoid lead-based or creosote paints that may be toxic to birds. Consider trying alternative, eco-friendly, or naturally-derived paints, or opt for natural or organic stains rather than paints. Avoid painting the inside of a bird house or around the lip of the entrance hole.

Our goal is to have the completed bird houses placed on porches and front lawns (in visible locations) throughout the community. We are aiming to have everyone finish and display their bird house by Father’s Day (June 21st). Families can then Take A Walk With Dad to see all of the bird houses in the neighbourhood. We encourage any folks that live outside of Creemore to bring their bird houses into town for the day and display them in the downtown area….or perhaps at the home of a friend
Please send a photo of your completed bird house or tag us on social media using the hashtag #purplehillsarts and we’ll share your bird house on Instagram and Facebook!
The Creemore Community has worked especially hard to stay “at home” for these past few months and we are aware of the fact that people are looking for projects to do. We also appreciate the many decorations that you have made to add cheer to our neighbourhood This is our gift to you to say THANK YOU! GET CREATIVE AND HAVE FUN!

We wish to say a special thanks to
for their financial assistance with the purchase of the birdhouse kits.