Creemore Festival of the Arts 2017
Artists on Location
Saturday, Sept. 30 and Sunday, Oct. 1, 2017
Join Us
Artists and artisans! Help us bring fall colours right to Creemore’s main street during our annual arts weekend.
The Artists on Location weekend is an opportunity for artists and artisans to display and sell their art in local businesses, studios and galleries throughout the village of Creemore. This year’s dates are Saturday, Sept. 30 and Sunday, Oct. 1, 2017.
This program is open to artists and artisans (e.g., visual artists, sculptors, jewellers, woodworkers, craftspersons).
Register Early
Space for this show is limited. We would like to begin registering participants as soon as possible. Location assignments will be made by the Festival Committee on a first-come, first-served basis. REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED.
While the deadline for applications is August 1, all available exhibit spaces may be assigned before that date. To avoid disappointment, complete the registration form and send in your entry fee as soon as possible. If needed, application forms in Word format can be requested from the Festival Committee.
Register here: Registration Form for Artists
Artists’ Fee
A registration fee of $50.00 will cover the program’s overhead costs such as signage, marketing and street decor. The Purple Hills Arts & Heritage Society takes no commissions.
You can pay via PayPal at the website or by cheque payable to The Purple Hills Arts and Heritage Society and mailed to: 10 Caroline St E., Creemore, ON L0M 1G0. Applications will be processed when payment is received.
Pay here:
If you have any questions, please direct them to Jim Stacey at
Creemore Festival of the Arts Committee 2017
Sara Hershoff, Victoria Denoga Huntley, Bail Guinane, Carole Watson, David Bruce Johnson, Gail Caswell, Laurie Severn, Jim Stacey, Cheryl MacLaurin, Julie Pollock